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Week 6: Thursday

Week 6: Thursday In today’s studio it was a chance to look at everybody’s final brochure printed out. I feel as though the standard was very high but overall, and that my final product was on bar with my peers. I was really happy with how it turned out in the end and was glad that I choose to print on thicker paper as it allowed my white space and illustrations to stand out.  However, I feel as though I have let myself down by not having sufficient amount of bookwork that shows my development of ideas and feel as though I could have explored more options design wise. I was happy with my illustrations and design approach so didn’t change it up too much but now re- reading through the brief I should have explored different approaches.  I feel as though my typographical layout has improved and it was interesting for me to see the importance of alignment and how such small changes really make a big difference when printing. Once I found my rhythm and defined my topic and the e

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